My Links
0028-computer.gif apple_computer.gif homicide.gif !!!BEST VIEWED ON DESKTOP!!! --- comms and brush packs on kofi! ---

This website is still in progress, so the pages within the "Directory" section are empty. If you would like to see my portfolio, check out the "current portfolio" link below

Project Log

Current Project: Odyssey

Odyssey is cowritten by A. Khan.

Gravely ill, and anticipating their own deaths, two escaped human experiments take one final chance to reclaim their agency by attempting to complete a bucket list before they die.

Odyssey's expected release is Spring 2025.

Completed Projects

  • Anomaly - A young man's nightmares begin to invade his real life. Completed Dec. 2023. | Available to read through Patreon
  • About Me/Contact
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    Hi! I am an illustrator and comic artist hailing from the Bay Area, California. I've been casually doodling since my age was in the single digits. In my work, I like to focus on creating realistic characters set against a background of eerie magical realism and science fiction elements, and am currently interested in using my projects as a medium to explore the impacts of trauma on our minds, bodies and relationships.

    As of now, I am working on an illustrated book/experimental comic titled Odyssey (read more about it in my project log), and am also providing my services as a comic artist for a currently undisclosed project. In the past, I have printed and sold a 23-page comic titled Anomaly.

    When I'm not working on a project or doing my Psychology coursework, I love digging into my favorite music genres, DIY'ing my clothes (and haircuts), researching whatever fixation I have currently, and of course, drawing.